Measuring devices

This page allows you to reserve measurement devices via intranet links to our laboratory's Ernest site.

Remember to register on Ernest, then on UMR 7199 CBST.


How to reserve a device:

  • Access the UMR Ernest page, then news and click on Measuring device reservations.
  • Determine a time slot for use by clicking and dragging on the calendar to the desired date and times.
  • In "Enter the event title", indicate the name of the person reserving and their team (e.g.: Mayeul CSP).
  • You can adjust the date and time slot just below "Event title".
  • In "Calendar", select the device or devices you wish to reserve.
  • In "Who", add the name of the person reserving and their team again (e.g.: Mayeul CSP).
  • Click Save to finalize the reservation.


  • You can cancel your reservation at any time by deleting it.
  • If you finish early, you can change your reservation without deleting it.