This page allows you to reserve measurement devices via intranet links to our laboratory's Ernest site.
Remember to register on Ernest, then on UMR 7199 CBST.
How to reserve a device:
- Access the UMR Ernest page, then news and click on Measuring device reservations.
- Determine a time slot for use by clicking and dragging on the calendar to the desired date and times.
- In "Enter the event title", indicate the name of the person reserving and their team (e.g.: Mayeul CSP).
- You can adjust the date and time slot just below "Event title".
- In "Calendar", select the device or devices you wish to reserve.
- In "Who", add the name of the person reserving and their team again (e.g.: Mayeul CSP).
- Click Save to finalize the reservation.
- You can cancel your reservation at any time by deleting it.
- If you finish early, you can change your reservation without deleting it.