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Within the framework of an IMS project, Olivier Tramis and Alain Wagner from the BFC team are partnering with Japanese laboratories from Okayama University.

Our partners, represented by Ai Miyamoto, won the final round of the Okayama Innovation Contest held on November 23rd, 2024!

She obtained the top award in the General Category!

It is a fantastic international experience shared with our Japanese partners (Ai Miyamoto, Koreyoshi Imamura, Junichiro Futami and Bernard Chenevier)!

This is, however, just the first step in launching an international start-up (France-Japan) focused on implementing ground-breaking technology that will revolutionize the storage of biotherapeutics at room temperature, with the support of IMS, SATT Conectus, University of Strasbourg, OkaDai and CNRS!



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