128 publications disponibles
Articles scientifiques
- Seeing in the Future – a Perspective on Combining Light with Chemical Biology Approaches to Treat Retinal Pathologies, ChemMedChem | 2025
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - Maxime Klimezak - Sidney Cambridge - In Vivo Optogenetic Manipulation of Transgene Expression in Retinal Neurovasculature, JACS Au | 2024
Co-auteur(s) : Eric Brandhorst - Liang Xu - Maxime Klimezak - Bastien Goegan - Huixiao Hong - Hans-Peter Hammes - Alexandre Specht - Sidney Cambridge - Reduction of Pro‐Inflammatory Markers in RAW264.7 Macrophages by Polyethylenimines, Macromolecular Bioscience | 2024
Co-auteur(s) : Emilie Frisch - Candice Dussouillez - Conor Mc Cartin - Juliette Blumberger - Chana Humbert - Luc Lebeau - Benoît Frisch - Béatrice Heurtault - Antoine Kichler - Sylvie Fournel - Triplet‐Triplet Annihilation Upconversion‐Based Photolysis: Applications in Photopharmacology, Advanced Healthcare Materials | 2024
Co-auteur(s) : Maxime Klimezak - Juliane Chaud - Anaïs Brion - Frédéric Bolze - Benoît Frisch - Béatrice Heurtault - Antoine Kichler - Alexandre Specht - Photoactivatable Liposomes for Blue to Deep Red Light-Activated Surface Drug Release: Application to Controlled Delivery of the Antitumoral Drug Melphalan, Bioconjugate Chemistry | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Anaïs Brion - Juliane Chaud - Maxime Klimezak - Frédéric Bolze - Laura Ohlmann - Jérémie Leonard - Stefan Chassaing - Benoît Frisch - Antoine Kichler - Béatrice Heurtault - Alexandre Specht - Predicting the duration of action of β2‐adrenergic receptor agonists: Ligand and structure‐based approaches, Molecular Informatics | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Luca Chiesa - Emilie Sick - Esther Kellenberger - Protein dynamics at invadopodia control invasion–migration transitions in melanoma cells, Cell Death & Disease | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Marlène Legrand - Antoine Mousson - Philippe Carl - Léa Rossé - Hélène Justiniano - Jean-Pierre Gies - Daniel Bouvard - Emilie Sick - Denis Dujardin - Philippe Rondé - Synthesis and Photochemical Properties of Fluorescent Metabolites Generated from Fluorinated Benzoylmenadiones in Living Cells, The Journal of Organic Chemistry | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Nathan Trometer - Bogdan Cichocki - Quentin Chevalier - Jérémy Pécourneau - Jean-Marc Strub - Andrea Hemmerlin - Alexandre Specht - Elisabeth Davioud-Charvet - Mourad Elhabiri - The interplay between lysosome, protein corona and biological effects of cationic carbon dots: Role of surface charge titratability, International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Yasmin Arezki - Ezeddine Harmouch - François Delalande - Mickaël Rapp - Christine Schaeffer-Reiss - Ophélie Galli - Sarah Cianferani - Luc Lebeau - Françoise Pons - Carole Ronzani - Towards a Light‐mediated Gene Therapy for the Eye using Caged Ethinylestradiol and the Inducible Cre/lox System, Angewandte Chemie International Edition | 2023
Co-auteur(s) : Zoe Kiy - Juliane Chaud - Liang Xu - Eric Brandhorst - Tschackad Kamali - Carolyn Vargas - Sandro Keller - Huixiao Hong - Alexandre Specht - Sidney Cambridge - Cationic Carbon Nanoparticles Induce Inflammasome-Dependent Pyroptosis in Macrophages via Lysosomal Dysfunction, Frontiers in Toxicology | 2022
Co-auteur(s) : Yasmin Arezki - Mickaël Rapp - Luc Lebeau - Carole Ronzani - Françoise Pons - Red Light‐Responsive Upconverting Nanoparticles for Quantitative and Controlled Release of a Coumarin‐Based Prodrug, Advanced Healthcare Materials | 2022
Co-auteur(s) : Anaïs Brion - Juliane Chaud - Jérémie Léonard - Frédéric Bolze - Stefan Chassaing - Benoît Frisch - Béatrice Heurtault - Antoine Kichler - Alexandre Specht - Surface charge influences protein corona, cell uptake and biological effects of carbon dots, Nanoscale | 2022
Co-auteur(s) : Yasmin Arezki - François Delalande - Christine Schaeffer-Reiss - Sarah Cianferani - Mickaël Rapp - Luc Lebeau - Françoise Pons - Carole Ronzani - Wavelength-Dependent, Orthogonal Photoregulation of DNA Liberation for Logic Operations, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2022
Co-auteur(s) : Ling Sum Liu - Hoi Man Leung - Clement Morville - Hoi Ching Chu - Jing Yi Tee - Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Pik Kwan Lo - A Co-Culture Model of the Human Respiratory Tract to Discriminate the Toxicological Profile of Cationic Nanoparticles According to Their Surface Charge Density, Toxics | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Yasmin Arezki - Juliette Cornacchia - Mickaël Rapp - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons - Carole Ronzani - Biomaterial-assisted gene therapy for translational approaches to treat musculoskeletal disorders, Materials Today Advances | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : J.K. Venkatesan - A. Rey-Rico - W. Meng - X. Cai - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - V. Migonney - H. Madry - M. Cucchiarini - Combined In Vitro and In Vivo Approaches to Propose a Putative Adverse Outcome Pathway for Acute Lung Inflammation Induced by Nanoparticles: A Study on Carbon Dots, Nanomaterials | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Maud Weiss - Jiahui Fan - Mickaël Claudel - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons - Carole Ronzani - Density of surface charge is a more predictive factor of the toxicity of cationic carbon nanoparticles than zeta potential, Journal of Nanobiotechnology | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Maud Weiss - Jiahui Fan - Mickaël Claudel - Thomas Sonntag - Pascal Didier - Carole Ronzani - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons - Inhibiting FAK–Paxillin Interaction Reduces Migration and Invadopodia-Mediated Matrix Degradation in Metastatic Melanoma Cells, Cancers | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Antoine Mousson - Marlène Legrand - Tania Steffan - Romain Vauchelles - Philippe Carl - Jean-Pierre Gies - Maxime Lehmann - Guy Zuber - Jan De Mey - Denis Dujardin - Emilie Sick - Philippe Ronde - Photolytical reactions for light induced biological effectors release: on the road to the phototherapeutic window, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Clement Morville - Juliane Chaud - Frederic Bolze - Alexandre Specht - The pH-Induced Specific Area Changes of Unsaturated Lipids Deposited onto a Bubble Interface, Langmuir | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Nicolas Anton - Philippe Pierrat - Germain Brou - Gildas Gbassi - Ziad Omran - Luc Lebeau - Thierry Vandamme - Patrick Bouriat - Two-Photon Sensitive Coumarinyl Photoremovable Protecting Groups with Rigid Electron-Rich Cycles Obtained by Domino Reactions Initiated by a 5- exo -Dig Cyclocarbopalladation, Organic Letters | 2021
Co-auteur(s) : Juliane Chaud - Clement Morville - Frederic Bolze - Delphine Garnier - Stephane Chassaing - Gaelle Blond - Alexandre Specht - Development and characterization of layer-by-layer coated liposomes with poly(L-lysine) and poly(L-glutamic acid) to increase their resistance in biological media, International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Florence Hermal - Benoit Frisch - Alexandre Specht - Line Bourel-Bonnet - Béatrice Heurtault - Dual Gene Delivery Reagents From Antiproliferative Alkylphospholipids for Combined Antitumor Therapy, Frontiers in Chemistry | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Boris Gaillard - Jean-serge Remy - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - International Large Detector: Interim Design Report | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Halina Abramowicz - Tatjana Agatonovic Jovin - Oscar Alonso - Mohammad Amjad - Fenfen An - Ladislav Andricek - Marc Anduze - Justin Anguiano - Evgeny Antonov - Yumi Aoki - Fernando Arteche - David Attié - Volker Büscher - Ole Bach - Vladislav Balagura - Jérome Baudot - Vadim Begunov - Subhasish Behera - Ties Behnke - Alain Bellerive - Daniel Belver - Yan Benhammou - Mikael Berggren - Christophe Berriaud - Gregory Bertolone - Marc Besançon - Auguste Besson - Jakob Beyer - Oleg Bezshyyko - Deb Bhattacharya - Purba Bhattacharya - Gerald Blazey - Vladimir Bocharnikov - Marca Boronat - Oleksandr Borysov - Robert Bosley - Vincent Boudry - Djamel Boumediene - Christian Bourgeois - Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic - Dominique Breton - Eldwan Brianne - Jean-Claude Brient - Konrad Briggl - Karsten Buesser - Stephane Callier - Enrique Calvo Alamillo - Camilo Carrillo - Ana Catalán - Marina Chadeeva - Phi Chau - Madalina Chera - Boris Chetverushkin - Marcin Chrzaszcz - Gilles Claus - Paul Colas - Claude Colledani - Christophe Combaret - Rémi Cornat - Francois Corriveau - Mikhail Danilov - Yuto Deguchi - Klaus Desch - Angel Dieguez - Ralf Diener - Madhu Dixit - Mingyi Dong - Andrei Dorokhov - Guy Dozière - Alexey Drutskoy - Frederic Dulucq - Alexander Dyshkant - Evelyne Edy - Gerald Eigen - Ulrich Einhaus - Ziad El Bitar - Amine Elkhalii - Lorenz Emberger - Danniel Esperante - Rémi Eté - Yaquan Fang - Oleksiy Fedorchuk - Miroslaw Firlej - Tomasz Fiutowski - Ivor Fleck - Nicolas Fourches - María Fouz - Kurt Francis - Kazuki Fujii - Keisuke Fujii - Esteban Fullana - Takahiro Fusayasu - Juan Fuster - Peter Göttlicher - Karsten Gadow - Frank Gaede - Alexandre Gallas - Serguei Ganjour - Ignacio García - Hector García Cabrera - Guillaume Garillot - Erika Garutti - Franck Gastaldi - Patrick Ghislain - Mathieu Goffe - Pablo Gomis - Wenxuan Gong - Alexandre Gonnin - Deepanjali Goswami - Kiichi Goto - Christian Graf - Ingrid-Maria Gregor - Gerald Grenier - Réi Guillaumat - Moritz Habermehl - Lars Hagge - Oskar Hartbrich - Fred Hartjes - Hans Henschel - Daniel Heuchel - Salvador Hidalgo - Abdelkader Himmi - Tao Hu - Christine Hu-Guo - Jean-Christophe Ianigro - Marek Idzik - Adrian Irles - Hiroki Ishihara - Akimasa Ishikawa - Leif Jönsson - Kimmo Jaaskelainen - Daniel Jeans - Jimmy Jeglot - Goran Kacarevic - Maciej Kachel - Shogo Kajiwara - Jan Kalinowski - Jochen Kaminski - Yoshio Kamiya - Robert Karl - Yu Kato - Yukihiro Kato - Shin-ichi Kawada - Kiyotomo Kawagoe - Sameen Khan - Claus Kleinwort - Peter Kluit - Makoto Kobayashi - Christian Koffmane - Sachio Komamiya - Sergey Korpachev - Katsushige Kotera - Uwe Krämer - Katja Krüger - Jonas Kunath - Masakazu Kurata - Tibor Kurca - Jirí Kvasnicka - Didier Lacour - Imad Laktineh - Wolfgang Lange - Suvi-Leena Lehtinen - Tadeusz Lesiak - Aharon Levy - Itamar Levy - Bo Li - Gang Li - Cornelis Ligtenberg - Benno List - Jenny List - Linghui Liu - Yong Liu - Zhenan Liu - Wolfgang Lohmann - Marc Louzir - Shaojun Lu - Bjoern Lundberg - Jihane Maalmi - Frédéric Magniette - Nayana Majumdar - Yasuhiro Makida - Paul Malek - Jesús Marín - John Marshall - Stephan Martens - Gisele Martin-Chassard - Lucia Masetti - Ryunosuke Masuda - Herve Mathez - Takeshi Matsuda - Kirk McDonald - Dmitry Mikhaylov - Laurent Mirabito - Sergey Miroshin - Winfried Mitaroff - Akiya Miyamoto - Takahiro Mizuno - Ulf Mjörnmark - Takanori Mogi - Gudrid Moortgat-Pick - Frédéric Morel - Sergio Moreno - Toshinori Mori - Jakub Moron - David Moya - Supratik Mukhopadhyay - Yonathan Munwes - Tadashi Nagamine - Jérome Nanni - Olivier Napoly - Shinya Narita - Jose Navarrete - Kentaro Negishi - Jelena Ninkovic - Amir Noori Shirazi - Tomohisa Ogawa - Takahiro Okamura - Tsunehiko Omori - Hiroaki Ono - Wataru Ootani - Anders Oskarsson - Lennart Östermann - Qun Ouyang - Roman Pöschl - Jean-Marc Parraud - Bogdan Pawlik - Giulio Pellegrini - Martin Perello - Alejandro Perez - Hung Pham - Javier Piedrafita - Thomas Pierre-Emile - Antoine Pingault - Olin Pinto - Ivo Polák - Elena Popova - Poulose Poulose - Alvaro Pradas - Volker Prahl - Tony Price - Ambra Provenza - Jesús Puerta Pelayo - Huirong Qi - Yasser Radkhorrami - Ludovic Raux - Gerhard Raven - Mathias Reinecke - Francois Richard - Rainer Richter - Sabine Riemann - Maria Robles Manzano - Christopher Rogan - Jack Rolph - Eduardo Ros - Anna Rosmanitz - Christophe Royon - Manqi Ruan - Alberto Ruiz-Jimeno - Tomoyuki Sanuki - Swathi Sasikumar - Yo Sato - Andrey Saveliev - Valery Saveliev - Oliver Schäfer - Christian Schmitt - Uwe Schneekloth - Thomas Schörner-Sadenius - Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon - Sergej Schuwalow - Felix Sefkow - Nathalie Seguin-Moreau - Izumi Sekiya - Ronald Settles - L Shekhtman - Wei Shen - Ryousuke Shiraz - Aiko Shoji - Frank Simon - Klaus Sinram - Ivan Smiljanic - Matthieu Specht - Richard Stromhagen - Yuji Sudo - Taikan Suehara - Yasuhiro Sugimoto - Akira Sugiyama - Krzysztof Swientek - Tohru Takahashi - Tohru Takeshita - Yukinaru Tamaya - Tomohiko Tanabe - Toshiaki Tauchi - Valery Telnov - Pzremyslaw Terlecki - Alice Thiebault - Junping Tian - Jan Timmermans - Maxim Titov - Huong Tran - Reima Tread - Dimitra Tsionou - Naoki Tsuji - Boris Tuchming - Michael Tytgat - Takayuki Ueno - Yuto Uesugi - Satoru Uozumi - Isabelle Valin - Claude Vallée - Antonio Verdugo de Osa - Guillem Vidal - Henri Videau - Iván Vila - Miguel Villarrejo - Denis Volkov - Marcel Vos - Natasa Vukasinovic - Yan Wang - Takashi Watanabe - Nigel Watson - Ulrich Werthenbach - Graham Wilson - Matthew Wing - Alasdair Winter - Marc Winter - Tomasz Wojtoń - Hitoshi Yamamoto - Satoru Yamashita - Ryo Yonamine - Tamaki Yoshioka - Boxiang Yu - Dan Yu - Zhenxiong Yuan - Keita Yumino - Aleksander Zarnecki - Christian Zeitnitz - Dirk Zerwas - Hang Zhao - Jingzhou Zhao - Ruiguang Zhao - Yüe Zhao - Hongbo Zhu - Vishnu Zutshi - Monitoring of uncaging processes by designing photolytical reactions, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Elie Abou Nakad - Juliane Chaud - Clement Morville - Frederic Bolze - Alexandre Specht - Operation of a double-sided CMOS pixelated detector at a high intensity $e^+e^-$ particle collider, Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Daniel Cuesta - Jérôme Baudot - Gilles Claus - Mathieu Goffe - Kimmo Jaaskelainen - Luka Santelj - Matthieu Specht - Michal Szelezniak - Isabelle Ripp-Baudot - Synthesis and Evaluation of Antitumor Alkylphospholipid Prodrugs, Pharmaceutical Research | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Boris Gaillard - Jean-serge Remy - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - Synthesis and In Vitro Studies of a Gd(DOTA)–Porphyrin Conjugate for Combined MRI and Photodynamic Treatment, Inorganic Chemistry | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Sébastien Jenni - Frédéric Bolze - Célia S. Bonnet - Agnès Pallier - Angélique Sour - Éva Tóth - Barbara Ventura - Valérie Heitz - rAAV-Mediated Overexpression of SOX9 and TGF-β via Carbon Dot-Guided Vector Delivery Enhances the Biological Activities in Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Nanomaterials | 2020
Co-auteur(s) : Weikun Meng - Ana Rey-Rico - Mickaël Claudel - Gertrud Schmitt - Susanne Speicher-Mentges - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - Jagadeesh K. Venkatesan - Magali Cucchiarini - Effects of imidazoline-like drugs on liver and adipose tissues, and their role in preventing obesity and associated cardio-metabolic disorders, International Journal of Obesity | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Gaëlle Aubertin-Kirch - Maud Weiss - Florian Traversi - Djamil Benameur - Philippe Choquet - Nassim Dali-Youcef - Françoise Pons - Séverine Sigrist - Hugues Greney - Laurent Monassier - Pascal Bousquet - Nathalie Niederhoffer - Erufosine (ErPC3) Cationic Prodrugs as Dual Gene Delivery Reagents for Combined Antitumor Therapy, Chemistry – A European Journal | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Boris Gaillard - Cendrine Seguin - Jean-Serge Remy - Françoise Pons - Luc Lebeau - Influence of carbonization conditions on luminescence and gene delivery properties of nitrogen-doped carbon dots, RSC Advances | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Mickaël Claudel - Jiahui Fan - Mickaël Rapp - Françoise Pons - Luc Lebeau - Lysosome mediates toxicological effects of polyethyleneimine-based cationic carbon dots, Journal of Nanoparticle Research | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Carole Ronzani - Camille Van Belle - Pascal Didier - Coralie Spiegelhalter - Philippe Pierrat - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Macrophage functionality and homeostasis in response to oligoethyleneglycol-coated IONPs: Impact of a dendritic architecture, International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - Julien Jouhannaud - Antonio Garofalo - Coralie Spiegelhalter - Dinh Vu Nguyen - Delphine Felder-Flesch - Genevieve Pourroy - Françoise Pons-lebeau - Physicochemical characteristics that affect carbon dot safety: Lessons from a comprehensive study on a nanoparticle library, International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Jiahui Fan - Mickaël Claudel - Carole Ronzani - Yasmin Arezki - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons-lebeau - The ILD detector at the ILC | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Halina Abramowicz - Tatjana Agatonovic Jovin - Oscar Alonso - Mohammad Amjad - Fenfen An - Ladislav Andricek - Marc Anduze - Justin Anguiano - Evgeny Antonov - Yumi Aoki - Fernando Arteche - David Attié - Volker Büscher - Ole Bach - Vladislav Balagura - Jérome Baudot - Vadim Begunov - Subhasish Behera - Ties Behnke - Alain Bellerive - Daniel Belver - Yan Benhammou - Mikael Berggren - Christophe Berriaud - Gregory Bertolone - Marc Besançon - Auguste Besson - Jakob Beyer - Oleg Bezshyyko - Deb Bhattacharya - Purba Bhattacharya - Vladimir Bocharnikov - Marca Boronat - Oleksandr Borysov - Robert Bosley - Vincent Boudry - Djamel Boumedine - Christian Bourgeois - Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic - Dominique Breton - Eldwan Brianne - Jean-Claude Brient - Konrad Briggl - Karsten Buesser - Stephane Callier - Enrique Calvo Alamillo - Camilo Carrillo - Ana Catalán - Marina Chadeeva - Phi Chau - Madalina Chera - Boris Chetverushkin - Marcin Chrzaszcz - Gilles Claus - Paul Colas - Claude Colledani - Christophe Combaret - Rémi Cornat - Francois Corriveau - Jaroslav Cvach - Mikhail Danilov - Christophe de La Taille - Yuto Deguchi - Klaus Desch - Angel Dieguez - Ralf Diener - Madhu Dixit - Mingyi Dong - Andrei Dorokhov - Guy Dozière - Alexey Drutskoy - Frederic Dulucq - Evelyne Edy - Ulrich Einhaus - Ziad El Bitar - Amine Elkhalii - Lorenz Emberger - Danniel Esperante - Rémi Eté - Yaquan Fang - Oleksiy Fedorchuk - Miroslaw Firlej - Tomasz Fiutowski - Ivor Fleck - María Fouz - Kazuki Fujii - Keisuke Fujii - Esteban Fullana - Takahiro Fusayasu - Juan Fuster - Peter Göttlicher - Karsten Gadow - Frank Gaede - Alexandre Gallas - Serguei Ganjour - Ignacio García - Hector Cabrera - Guillaume Garillot - Erika Garutti - Franck Gastaldi - Patrick Ghislain - Mathieu Goffe - Pablo Gomis - Wenxuan Gong - Alexandre Gonnin - Deepanjali Goswami - Kiichi Goto - Christian Graf - Ingrid-Maria Gregor - Gerald Grenier - Rémi Guillaumat - Moritz Habermehl - Lars Hagge - Oskar Hartbrich - Fred Hartjes - Hans Henschel - Daniel Heuchel - Salvador Hidalgo - Abdelkader Himmi - Tao Hu - Christine Hu-Guo - Jean-Christophe Ianigro - Marek Idzik - Adrian Irles - Hiroki Ishihara - Akimasa Ishikawa - Leif Jönsson - Kimmo Jaaskelainen - Daniel Jeans - Jimmy Jeglot - Goran Kacarevic - Maciej Kachel - Shogo Kajiwara - Jan Kalinowski - Jochen Kaminski - Yoshio Kamiya - Robert Karl - Yu Kato - Yukihiro Kato - Shin-ichi Kawada - Kiyotomo Kawagoe - Sameen Khan - Claus Kleinwort - Peter Kluit - Makoto Kobayashi - Christian Koffmane - Sachio Komamiya - Sergey Korpachev - Katsushige Kotera - Uwe Krämer - Katja Krüger - Jonas Kunath - Masakazu Kurata - Tibor Kurca - Jirí Kvasnicka - Didier Lacour - Imad Laktineh - Wolfgang Lange - Suvi-Leena Lehtinen - Tadeusz Lesiak - Aharon Levy - Itamar Levy - Bo Li - Gang Li - Cornelis Ligtenberg - Benno List - Jenny List - Linghui Liu - Yong Liu - Zhenan Liu - Wolfgang Lohmann - Marc Louzir - Shaojun Lu - Bjoern Lundberg - Jihane Maalmi - Frédéric Magniette - Nayana Majumdar - Yasuhiro Makida - Paul Malek - Jesús Marín - John Marshall - Stephan Martens - Gisele Martin-Chassard - Lucia Masetti - Ryunosuke Masuda - Herve Mathez - Takeshi Matsuda - Kirk McDonaldS - Dmitry Mikhaylov - Laurent Mirabito - Sergey Miroshin - Winfried Mitaroff - Akiya Miyamoto - Takahiro Mizuno - Ulf Mjönmark - Takanori Mogi - Gudrid Moortgat-Pick - Frédéric Morel - Sergio Moreno - Toshinori Mori - Jakub Moron - David Moya - Supratik Mukhopadhyay - Yonathan Munwes - Jérome Nanni - Olivier Napoly - Shinya Narita - Jose Navarrete - Kentaro Negishi - Jelena Ninkovic - Amir Noori Shirazi - Tomohisa Ogawa - Takahiro Okamura - Tsunehiko Omori - Hiroaki Ono - Wataru Ootani - Anders Oskarsson - Lennart Ostermann - Qun Ouyang - Roman Pöschl - Jean-Marc Parraud - Bogdan Pawlik - Giulio Pellegrini - Martin Perello - Alejandro Perez - Hung Pham - Javier Piedrafita - Thomas Pierre-Emile - Antoine Pingault - Olin Pinto - Ivo Polák - Elena Popova - Poulose Poulose - Alvaro Pradas - Volker Prahl - Tony Price - Ambra Provenza - Jesús Pelayo - Huirong Qi - Yasser Radkhorrami - Ludovic Raux - Gerhard Raven - Mathias Reinecke - Francois Richard - Rainer Richter - Sabine Riemann - Maria Robles Manzano - Christopher Rogan - Jack Rolph - Eduardo Ros - Anna Rosmanitz - Christophe Royon - Manqi Ruan - Alberto Ruiz-Jimeno - Swathi Sasikumar - Andrey Saveliev - Valery Saveliev - Oliver Schäfer - Christian Schmitt - Uwe Schneekloth - Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius - Hans-Christian Schultz-Coulon - Sergej Schuwalow - Felix Sefkow - Nathalie Seguin-Moreau - Izumi Sekiya - Ronald Settles - L Shekhtman - Wei Shen - Ryousuke Shiraz - Aiko Shoji - Frank Simon - Klaus Sinram - Ivan Smiljanic - Matthieu Specht - Richard Stromhagen - Yuji Sudo - Taikan Suehara - Yasuhiro Sugimoto - Akira Sugiyama - Zhihong Sun - Krzysztof Swientek - Tohru Takahashi - Tohru Takeshita - Yukinaru Tamaya - Tomohiko Tanabe - Toshiaki Tauchi - Valery Telnov - Pzremyslaw Terlecki - Alice Thiebault - Junping Tian - Jan Timmermans - Maxim Titov - Huong Tran - Reima Tread - Dimitra Tsionou - Naoki Tsuji - Boris Tuchming - Michael Tytgat - Yuto Uesugi - Satoru Uozumi - Isabelle Valin - Claude Vallée - Harry van der Graaf - Naomi Van Der Kolk - Brian van Doren - Antonio Verdugo de Osa - Guillem Vidal - Henri Videau - Iván Vila - Miguel Villarrejo - Denis Volkov - Marcel Vos - Natasa Vukasinovic - Yan Wang - Takashi Watanabe - Nigel Watson - Ulrich Werthenbach - Graham Wilson - Matthew Wing - Alasdair Winter - Marc Winter - Tomasz Wojtoń - Satoru Yamashita - Tamaki Yoshioka - Boxiang Yu - Dan Yu - Zhenxiong Yuan - Keita Yumino - Aleksander Zarnecki - Christian Zeitnitz - Dirk Zerwas - Hang Zhao - Jingzhou Zhao - Ruiguang Zhao - Yüe Zhao - Hongbo Zhu - Tumour-targeting photosensitisers for one- and two-photon activated photodynamic therapy, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : Sébastien Jenni - Angélique Sour - Frédéric Bolze - Barbara Ventura - Valérie Heitz - A Porphyrin Dimer–GdDOTA Conjugate as a Theranostic Agent for One- and Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy and MRI, Bioconjugate Chemistry | 2018
Co-auteur(s) : Julie Schmitt - Sébastien Jenni - Angélique Sour - Valérie Heitz - Frédéric Bolze - Agnès Pallier - Célia S. Bonnet - Éva Tóth - Barbara Ventura - Synthesis and Characterization of Photoactivatable Doxycycline Analogues Bearing Two-Photon-Sensitive Photoremovable Groups Suitable for Light-Induced Gene Expression, ChemBioChem | 2018
Co-auteur(s) : Bastien Goegan - Firat Terzi - Frederic Bolze - Sidney Cambridge - Alexandre Specht - o -Nitrobenzyl photoremovable groups with fluorescence uncaging reporting properties, Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry | 2018
Co-auteur(s) : Elie Abou Nakad - Frédéric Bolze - Alexandre Specht - Molecular photosensitisers for two-photon photodynamic therapy, Chemical Communications | 2017
Co-auteur(s) : Frédéric Bolze - Sébastien Jenni - Angélique Sour - Valérie Heitz - On the permeation of large organic cations through the pore of ATP-gated P2X receptors, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2017
Co-auteur(s) : Mahboubi Harkat - Laurie Peverini - Adrien Cerdan - Kate Dunning - Juline Beudez - Adeline Martz - Nicolas Calimet - Alexandre Specht - Marco Cecchini - Thierry Chataigneau - Thomas Grutter - π-extended porphyrin dimers as efficient near-infrared emitters and two-photon absorbers, Supramolecular Chemistry | 2017
Co-auteur(s) : Julie Schmitt - Valérie Heitz - Sébastien Jenni - Angelique Sour - Frederic Bolze - Barbara Ventura - A Theranostic Agent Combining a Two-Photon-Absorbing Photosensitizer for Photodynamic Therapy and a Gadolinium(III) Complex for MRI Detection, Chemistry - A European Journal | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Julie Schmitt - Valérie Heitz - Angélique Sour - Frédéric Bolze - Pascal Kessler - Lucia Flamigni - Barbara Ventura - Célia S. Bonnet - Éva Tóth - Cationic DOPC-Detergent Conjugates for Safe and Efficient in Vitro and in Vivo Nucleic Acid Delivery, ChemBioChem | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Anne Casset - Pascal Didier - Dimitri Kereselidze - Marie Lux - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - Enhanced gene delivery to the lung using biodegradable polyunsaturated cationic phosphatidylcholine-detergent conjugates, International Journal of Pharmaceutics | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Dimitri Kereselidze - Aline Lux - Luc Lebeau - Françoise Pons - Four Gadolinium(III) Complexes Appended to a Porphyrin: A Water-Soluble Molecular Theranostic Agent with Remarkable Relaxivity Suited for MRI Tracking of the Photosensitizer, Inorganic Chemistry | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Angélique Sour - Sébastien Jenni - Ana Ortí-Suárez - Julie Schmitt - Valérie Heitz - Frederic Bolze - Paulo Loureiro De Sousa - Chrystelle Po - Célia S. Bonnet - Agnès Pallier - Éva Tóth - Barbara Ventura - Photo-switchable tweezers illuminate pore-opening motions of an ATP-gated P2X ion channel, eLife | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Chloé Habermacher - Adeline Martz - Nicolas Calimet - Damien Lemoine - Laurie Peverini - Alexandre Specht - Marco Cecchini - Thomas Grutter - Three-Dimensional Control of DNA Hybridization by Orthogonal Two-Color Two-Photon Uncaging, Angewandte Chemie | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Manuela A. H. Fichte - Xenia M. M. Weyel - Stephan Junek - Florian Schäfer - Cyril Herbivo - Maurice Goeldner - Alexandre Specht - Josef Wachtveitl - Alexander Heckel - Two-photon sensitive photolabile protecting groups: From molecular engineering to nanostructuration, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Sébastien Piant - Alexandre Specht - Boris Zemelman - Attila Losonczy - Frédéric Bolze - Two-photon uncaging, from neuroscience to materials, Optical Materials Express | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Sébastien Piant - Frederic Bolze - Alexandre Specht - π-Extended diketopyrrolopyrrole–porphyrin arrays: one- and two-photon photophysical investigations and theoretical studies, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2016
Co-auteur(s) : Mehboob Alam - Frédéric Bolze - Chantal Daniel - Lucia Flamigni - Christophe Gourlaouen - Valérie Heitz - Sébastien Jenni - Julie Schmitt - Angélique Sour - Barbara Ventura - CD47 Activation-induced UHRF1 Over-expression Is Associated with Silencing of Tumor Suppressor Gene p16INK4A in Glioblastoma Cells, Anticancer research | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Abdelaziz Boukhari - Mahmoud Alhosin - Christian Bronner - Krizia Sagini - Cécile Truchot - Emilie Sick - Valerie Schini-Kerth - Philippe Andre - Yves Mely - Marc Mousli - Jean-Pierre Gies - Characterization of Titratable Amphiphiles in Lipid Membranes by Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Langmuir | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Luc Lebeau - Conformational Change of Self-Assembled DNA Nanotubes Induced by Two-Photon Excitation, Small | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Ziwen Dai - Dick Yan Tam - Hailiang Xu - Miu Shan Chan - Ling Sum Liu - Frédéric Bolze - Xiao-Hua Sun - Pik Kwan Lo - Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Porphyrin Conjugates with High Two-Photon Absorption and Singlet Oxygen Generation for Two-Photon Photodynamic Therapy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Julie Schmitt - Valérie Heitz - Angélique Sour - Frédéric Bolze - Hussein Ftouni - Jean-francois Nicoud - Lucia Flamign - Barbara Ventura - Efficient in vitro and in vivo pulmonary delivery of nucleic acid by carbon dot-based nanocarriers, Biomaterials | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Rongrong Wang - Dimitri Kereselidze - Pascal Didier - Antoine Kichler - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - Identification of TAX2 peptide as a new unpredicted anti-cancer agent, Oncotarget | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : A Jeanne - Emilie Sick - J Devy - N Floquet - N Belloy - L Theret - C Boulagnon-Rombi - M Diebold - M Dauchez - L Martiny - Claude Schneider - S Dedieu - Indole-based Cyanine as a Nuclear RNA-Selective Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe for Live Cell Imaging, ACS Chemical Biology | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Lei Guo - Miu Shan Chan - Di Xu - Dick Yan Tam - Frédéric Bolze - Pik Kwan Lo - Man Shing Wong - Synthesis and Characterization of Carbazole-Linked Porphyrin Tweezers, Chemistry - A European Journal | 2015
Co-auteur(s) : Yi Chang - Clement Michelin - Leo Bucher - Nicolas Desbois - Claude P. Gros - Sébastien Piant - Frédéric Bolze - Yuanyuan Fang - Xiaoqin Jiang - Karl M. Kadish - A Polyurethane-Based Positive Photoresist, Macromolecular Rapid Communications | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Luis Garcia-Fernandez - Alexandre Specht - Aranzazu del Campo - Asthma management and inhalation techniques among community pharmacists in 2009: a comparison with the 1999 survey, Journal of Asthma | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - Marion Meunier-Spitz - Pauline Rebotier - Hassina Lefevre - Christian Barth - Christiane Heitz - Frederic de Blay - Dual Photosensitive Polymers with Wavelength-Selective Photoresponse, Advanced Materials | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Luis Garcia-Fernandez - Cyril Herbivo - Veronica Arranz - David Warther - Loic Donato - Alexandre Specht - Aranzazu del Campo - Exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes results in aggravation of airway inflammation and remodeling and in increased production of epithelium-derived innate cytokines in a mouse model of asthma, Archives of Toxicology | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Carole Ronzani - Anne Casset - Francoise Pons-lebeau - FAK competes for Src to promote migration against invasion in melanoma cells, Cell Death and Disease | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : K Kolli-Bouhafs - Emilie Sick - Fanny Noulet - Jean-Pierre Gies - Jan De Mey - Philippe Ronde - A dynamic system for single and repeated exposure of airway epithelial cells to gaseous pollutants, Toxicology in Vitro | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Kastner - Stephane Le Calve - Wuyin Zheng - Anne Casset - Françoise Pons-lebeau - A study of insoluble monolayers by deposition at a bubble interface, Soft Matter | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Nicolas Anton - Philippe Pierrat - Luc Lebeau - Thierry Vandamme - Patrick Bouriat - Bioresponsive Deciduous-Charge Amphiphiles for Liposomal Delivery of DNA and siRNA, Pharmaceutical Research | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Dimitri Kereselidze - Patrick Wehrung - Guy Zuber - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau - Characterization of one- and two-photon photochemical uncaging efficiency, Methods in Molecular Biology | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Jean-François Nicoud - Maurice Goeldner - Identification of Der p 23, a Peritrophin-like Protein, as a New Major Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Allergen Associated with the Peritrophic Matrix of Mite Fecal Pellets, Journal of Immunology | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Margit Weghofer - Monika Grote - Yvonne Resch - Anne Casset - Michael Kneidinger - Jolanta Kopec - Wayne Thomas - Enrique Fernandez-Caldas - Michael Kabesch - Rosetta Ferrara - Adriano Mari - Ashok Purohit - Gabrielle Pauli - Friedrich Horak - Walter Keller - Peter Valent - Rudolf Valenta - Susanne Vrtala - Indoor dust and air concentrations of endotoxin in urban and rural environments, Letters in Applied Microbiology | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Cindy Barnig - G Reboux - S Roussel - Anne Casset - C Sohy - J Dalphin - Frederic De Blay De Gaix - Monolayer two-dimensional crystallization of membrane proteins, Methods in Molecular Biology | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Luc Lebeau - Catherine Venien-Bryan - Nonallergic Airway Hyperresponsiveness and Allergen-Specific IgE Levels Are the Main Determinants of the Early and Late Asthmatic Response to Allergen, Journal of investigational allergology & clinical immunology | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Cindy Barnig - A Purohit - Anne Casset - C Sohy - F Lieutier-Colas - Eric-André Sauleau - Frederic De Blay - Optical control of an ion channel gate, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Damien Lemoine - Chloe Habermacher - Adeline Martz - Pierre-Francois Mery - Nathalie Bouquier - Fanny Diverchy - Antoine Taly - Francois Rassendren - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - Phospholipid-Detergent Conjugates as Novel Tools for siRNA Delivery, Chemistry - A European Journal | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Gilles Laverny - Gaelle Creusat - Patrick Wehrung - Jean Marc Strub - Alain Van Dorsselaer - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Guy Zuber - Luc Lebeau - Synthesis and Characterization of Cell-Permeable Caged Phosphates that Can Be Photolyzed by Visible Light or 800 nm Two-Photon Photolysis, ChemBioChem | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Cyril Herbivo - Ziad Omran - Julia Revol - Helene Javot - Alexandre Specht - Water-soluble diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives for two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy, Dyes and Pigments | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Hussein Ftouni - Frédéric Bolze - Jean-Francois Nicoud - A Cationic Phospholipid-Detergent Conjugate as a New Efficient Carrier for siRNA Delivery, Chemistry - A European Journal | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - Gaelle Creusat - Gilles Laverny - Francoise Pons - Guy Zuber - Luc Lebeau - CD47 update: a multifaceted actor in the tumour microenvironment of potential therapeutic interest, British Journal of Pharmacology | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Emilie Sick - A Jeanne - Claude Schneider - S Dedieu - Kenneth Takeda - L Martiny - Facteurs déclenchants : allergènes respiratoires (usuels et professionnels). [Respiratory allergens and asthma exacerbation], Revue des Maladies Respiratoires | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : C Barnig - Anne Casset - Immunomodulatory properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy subjects and allergic patients, Toxicology Letters | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Gilles Laverny - Anne Casset - Ashok Purohit - Evelyne Schaeffer - Coralie Spiegelhalter - Frédéric De Blay - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Intermediate closed channel state(s) precede(s) activation in the ATP-gated P2X2 receptor, Channels | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Ruotian Jiang - Antoine Taly - Damien Lemoine - Adeline Martz - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - LRP-1--CD44, a new cell surface complex regulating tumor cell adhesion, Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : G Perrot - B Langlois - J Devy - A Jeanne - L Verzeaux - S Almagro - H Sartelet - C Hachet - Claude Schneider - Emilie Sick - M David - M Khrestchatisky - H Emonard - L Martiny - S Dedieu - Ligand-Gated Ion Channels: New Insights into Neurological Disorders and Ligand Recognition, Chemical Reviews | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Damien Lemoine - Ruotian Jiang - Antoine Taly - Thierry Chataigneau - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - Malachite Green Derivatives for Two-Photon RNA Detection, ChemBioChem | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Jacques Lux - Eduardo José Peña - Frédéric Bolze - Manfred Heinlein - Jean-francois Nicoud - Regulation of neuronal input transformations by tunable dendritic inhibition, Nature Neuroscience | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Matthew Lovett-Barron - Gergely Turi - Patrick Kaifosh - Peter Lee - Frédéric Bolze - Xiao-Hua Sun - Jean-francois Nicoud - Boris Zemelman - Scott Sternson - Attila Losonczy - The cofactors of respiratory allergy, Revue Française d'Allergologie | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : F de Blay - C Lutz - Anne Casset - C Barnig - The donor-acceptor biphenyl platform: A versatile chromophore for the engineering of highly efficient two-photon sensitive photoremovable protecting groups, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Loic Donato - Cyril Herbivo - Sébastien Charon - David Warther - Sylvestre Gug - Jean-francois Nicoud - Maurice Goeldner - The donor-acceptor biphenyl platform: Aversatile chromophore for the engineering of highly efficient two-photon sensitive photoremovable protecting groups, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Loic Donato - Cyril Herbivo - Sebastien Charon - David Warther - Sylvestre Gug - Jean-François Nicoud - Maurice Goeldner - The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha agonist fenofibrate decreases airway reactivity to methacholine and increases endothelial nitric oxide synthase phosphorylation in mouse lung, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Julien Becker - Carine Delayre-Orthez - Nelly Frossard - Françoise Pons-Lebeau - Two-photon uncaging: The chemist point of view, Optical Materials | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Frederic Bolze - Jean-francois Nicoud - Cyril Bourgogne - S Gug - X Sun - Maurice Goeldner - Alexandre Specht - L Donato - D Warther - G Turi - A Losonczy - Varying Allergen Composition and Content Affects the in vivo Allergenic Activity of Commercial Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus Extracts, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - Adriano Mari - Ashok Purohit - Yvonne Resch - Margit Weghofer - Rosetta Ferrara - Wayne Thomas - Claudia Alessandri - Kuan-Wei Chen - Frederic de Blay - Rudolf Valenta - Susanne Vrtala - Water-Soluble, Donor-Acceptor Biphenyl Derivatives in the 2-(o-Nitrophenyl)propyl Series: Highly Efficient Two-Photon Uncaging of the Neurotransmitter gamma-Aminobutyric Acid at lambda=800 nm, Angewandte Chemie International Edition | 2012
Co-auteur(s) : Loic Donato - Alexandre Mourot - Christopher Davenport - Cyril Herbivo - David Warther - Jeremie Leonard - Frederic Bolze - Jean-francois Nicoud - Richard Kramer - Maurice Goeldner - Alexandre Specht - Activation of CD47 receptors causes proliferation of human astrocytoma but not normal astrocytes via an Akt-dependent pathway, Glia | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Emilie Sick - A Boukhari - T Deramaudt - Philippe Ronde - B Bucher - Philippe Andre - Jean-Pierre Gies - Kenneth Takeda - Agonist trapped in ATP-binding sites of the P2X2 receptor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Ruotian Jiang - Damien Lemoine - Adeline Martz - Antoine Taly - Sophie Gonin - Lia de Carvalho - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - Boron-containing two-photon-absorbing chromophores. 3. One- and two-photon photophysical properties of p-carborane-containing fluorescent bioprobes, Inorganic Chemistry | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Jean-francois Nicoud - Frédéric Bolze - Xiao-Hua Sun - Ali Hayek - Patrice Baldeck - Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on lung inflammation and systemic immune response in murine asthma models, Toxicology Letters | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Carole Ronzani - Anne Casset - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Formaldehyde interferes with airway epithelium integrity and functions in a dose- and time-dependent manner, Toxicology Letters | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Pierre Kastner - Anne Casset - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Lung deposition and toxicological responses evoked by multi-walled carbon nanotubes dispersed in a synthetic lung surfactant in the mouse, Archives of Toxicology | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Carole Ronzani - Coralie Spiegelhalter - Jean-Luc Vonesch - Luc Lebeau - Francoise Pons-lebeau - New insight in boron chemistry: Application in two-photon absorption, Optical Materials | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Frederic Bolze - A Hayek - X Sun - P Baldeck - Cyril Bourgogne - Jean-francois Nicoud - Production of recombinant allergens, Revue Française d'Allergologie | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - Retrochalcone derivatives are positive allosteric modulators at synaptic and extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors in vitro, British Journal of Pharmacology | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Ruotian Jiang - Akiko Miyamoto - Adeline Martz - Alexandre Specht - Hitoshi Ishibashi - Marie Kueny-Stotz - Stefan Chassaing - Raymond Brouillard - Lia de Carvalho - Maurice Goeldner - Junichi Nabekura - Mogens Nielsen - Thomas Grutter - Small photoactivatable molecules for controlled fluorescence activation in living cells, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : David Puliti - David Warther - Clelia Orange - Alexandre Specht - Maurice Goeldner - Spleen-Resident CD4(+) and CD4(-) CD8 alpha(-) Dendritic Cell Subsets Differ in Their Ability to Prime Invariant Natural Killer T Lymphocytes, PLoS ONE | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Emilie Bialecki - Elodie Fernandez - Stoyan Ivanov - Christophe Paget - Josette Fontaine - Fabien Rodriguez - Luc Lebeau - Christophe Ehret - Benoît Frisch - Francois Trottein - Christelle Faveeuw - Time-Resolved WAXS Reveals Accelerated Conformational Changes in Iodoretinal-Substituted Proteorhodopsin, Biophysical Journal | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Erik Malmerberg - Ziad Omran - Jochen Hub - Xuewen Li - Gergely Katona - Sebastian Westenhoff - Linda Johansson - Magnus Andersson - Marco Cammarata - Michael Wulff - David van der Spoel - Jan Davidsson - Alexandre Specht - Richard Neutze - "HFP" fluorinated cationic lipids for enhanced lipoplex stability and gene delivery | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : E Klein - M Ciobanu - J Klein - V Machi - C Leborgne - Thierry Vandamme - Benoît Frisch - Françoise Pons - Antoine Kichler - Guy Zuber - Luc Lebeau - Liposomes as delivery systems for nasal vaccination: strategies and outcomes, Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : Béatrice Heurtault - Benoit Frisch - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Live-Cell One- and Two-Photon Uncaging of a Far-Red Emitting Acridinone Fluorophore, Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : David Warther - Frédéric Bolze - Jérémie Leonard - Sylvestre Gug - Alexandre Specht - David Puliti - Xiao-Hua Sun - Pascal Kessler - Yves Lutz - Jean-Luc Vonesch - Barbara Winsor - Jean-francois Nicoud - Maurice Goeldner - Nucleic acid transfer with hemifluorinated polycationic lipids, Biomaterials | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : Emmanuel Klein - Christian Leborgne - Miahala Ciobanu - Jérôme Klein - Benoit Frisch - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Guy Zuber - Daniel Scherman - Antoine Kichler - Luc Lebeau - Relation entre allergènes de l’environnement intérieur, sensibilisation et symptômes de rhinite et asthme allergiques [= Relationships between indoor allergens, sensitization, and allergic asthma and rhinitis symptoms]., Revue des maladies respiratoires | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - J-J Braun - Relation entre allergènes de l’environnement intérieur, sensibilisation et symptômes de rhinite et asthme allergiques. [= Relationships between indoor allergens, sensitization, and allergic asthma and rhinitis symptoms], Revue Française d'Allergologie | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : Anne Casset - J-J Braun - Two-photon uncaging: New prospects in neuroscience and cellular biology, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry | 2010
Co-auteur(s) : David Warther - Sylvestre Gug - Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Jean-francois Nicoud - Alexandre Mourot - Maurice Goeldner - Boron Containing Two-Photon Absorbing Chromophores. 2. Fine Tuning of the One- and Two-Photon Photophysical Properties of Pyrazabole Based Fluorescent Bioprobes, Inorganic Chemistry | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Ali Hayek - Frederic Bolze - Cyril Bourgogne - Patrice L. Baldeck - Pascal Didier - Youri Arntz - Yves Mely - Jean-francois Nicoud - Complexing photolabile cholinergic ligands with synthetic and biological receptors: a dynamic survey, Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - S. Loudwig - Ling Peng - Maurice Goeldner - Design of a Liposomal Candidate Vaccine Against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its Evaluation in Triggering Systemic and Lung Mucosal Immunity, Pharmaceutical Research | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Béatrice Heurtault - Philippe Gentine - Jean-Sébastien Thomann - Corinne Baehr - Benoit Frisch - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Photochemical tools to study dynamic biological processes, HFSP Journal | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Alexandre Specht - Frédéric Bolze - Ziad Omran - Jean-francois Nicoud - Maurice Goeldner - Short-length dimethoxynitrophenyl photo-cleavable crosslinkers, synthesis and photolysis, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Ziad Omran - Alexandre Specht - Synthesis and photochemical properties of photo-cleavable crosslinkers, Tetrahedron Letters | 2009
Co-auteur(s) : Ziad Omran - Alexandre Specht
- Observations on MIMOSIS-0, the first dedicated CPS prototype for the CBM MVD, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2019
Co-auteur(s) : M Deveaux - B Arnoldi-Meadows - Gregory Bertolone - Gilles Claus - Andrei Dorokhov - Mathieu Goffe - Abdelkader Himmi - Kimmo Kalevi Jaaskelainen - P Klaus - M Koziel - F Marx - Frederic Morel - C Müntz - H Pham - Matthieu Specht - Isabelle Valin - J Stroth - Marc Winter - Optical dissection of gating in P2X receptors, Purinergic Signalling | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Chloé Habermacher - Damien Lemoine - Adeline Martz - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - Optogating a powerful approach to control an ion-channel gate, Purinergic Signalling | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Damien Lemoine - Chloe Habermacher - Adeline Martz - Pierre-Francois Mery - Nathalie Bouquier - Fanny Diverchy - Antoine Taly - Francois Rassendren - Alexandre Specht - Thomas Grutter - Multimodal dyes: toward correlative two-photon and electron microscopy, Proceedings of SPIE | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Frédéric Bolze - Hussein Ftouni - Jean-francois Nicoud - Piero Leoni - Yannick Schwab - Jean Luc Rehspringer - Rodrigues Mafouana - Effects of carbon nanotubes on cytokine secretion by peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy subjects and allergic patients, Inflammation Research | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Gilles Laverny - Anne Casset - A Purohit - Frederic De Blay - Françoise Pons - Exposure of airway epithelial cells in culture to a mixture of gaseous pollutants: Impact on cell integrity, Toxicology Letters | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : P Kastner - S Le Calve - Anne Casset - W Zheng - Françoise Pons - Immunomodulatory properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Toxicology Letters | 2011
Co-auteur(s) : Françoise Pons - G Laverny - A Purohit - F De Blay - Anne Casset
Parties d'ouvrages
- Transmissions adrénergiques et noradrénergiques, Pharmacologie ; des cibles vers l’indication thérapeutique | 2014
Co-auteur(s) : Yves Landry - Jean-Pierre Gies - Emilie Sick - Nathalie Niederhoffer - Bio-labile DOPC-based cationic lipids for gene delivery, Proceedings of the Genetic Transformation Technologies (Plants and Animals): Plant Genetics and Breeding Technologies: Plant Diseases and Resistance Mechanisms | 2013
Co-auteur(s) : Philippe Pierrat - D Kereselidze - Francoise Pons-lebeau - Luc Lebeau